Dark Side Of The Moon – Cool Replica Omega Speedmaster 311. Watches

Since old days, people have yearn for the moon. Now, spacemen have carried several successful lunar exploration missions. We know the famous Apollo Space Program. Omega Speedmaster witnessed all the six missions, therefore, the fine copy watches of this series are also called “moon watches”.

The famous replica watches are made from black ceramic.
Famous Replica Omega Speedmaster 311. Watches

Look at the black fake Omega Speedmaster 311. watches. The watches remind people of the dark side of the moon. The watches in 44.25 mm have black ceramic cases and Sedna® 18k gold bezels. The details of the matte grey dials are also made from Sedna® 18k gold. The warm color is the only “light” come from the “sun” of the dark side of the moon.

The black leather straps fake watches have matte grey dials.
Matte Grey Dials Fake Omega Speedmaster 311. Watches

What’s more, the black cases watches have black alligator leather straps that are durable and comfortable. From the transparent sapphire backs of the exquisite replica Omega watches, you can see the excellent movement, caliber 9300. The self-winding mechanical movement is stable, durable and can supply pf 60-hours power reserve.